Restorative Care

Whether you're dealing with a damaged tooth, tooth loss, or wanting to upgrade your smile, our restorative services at Rogue River Dental in in Rockford, Michigan, are designed to rebuild and enhance the natural function and appearance of your smile.


Restore the strength and appearance of your damaged teeth with our custom-made porcelain crowns. These tooth-colored caps are designed to cover and protect your tooth, blending seamlessly with your natural smile.


Choose from our range of denture options, including traditional & implant-supported varieties, to restore functionality and aesthetics to your smile.


Bridges are a durable, more natural-looking prosthetic, and a highly reliable solution for replacing missing teeth. By anchoring to adjacent teeth, they restore the functionality of your bite and the aesthetics of your smile


Dental Implants
Dental implants are the longest-lasting tooth replacement option. These titanium posts integrate with your jawbone, providing a stable foundation for crowns, bridges, or dentures without affecting adjacent teeth.


Dental Fillings
Tooth-colored fillings are the economic, go-to option for treating minor incidents of tooth decay (cavities). These quicker restorations blend perfectly with your teeth, restoring their function and appearance.


Root Canals/Endodontics
Alleviate pain and save your natural teeth with a root canal. This painless treatment removes infected material from within your tooth, relieving pain and restoring health in a comfortable setting.


Tooth Extractions
In cases where a tooth cannot be saved, our gentle extraction procedures can help. We use effective anesthetics and sedation options to ensure a pain-free experience.